^^^^^^^^^^^^^^** WALKTHROUGH ***************** PART I: First, after you see the "movie", go talk to Impa. She will give you your sword. Now go south and then head west until you come to a Lynna City. Now go to the Maku Tree which is in Lynna City. It will disappear and you have to bring it back. Now go east from the Maku Tree until you find a warp spot to the past. This will take you into the past. Now, in the past, go south until you come to a tower, Dark Tower. Now make your way through the tower, and you will find out about Veran. You will also receive a shovel that you can move dirt with. Now you must go back and you will find out that the Maku Tree sapling is in trouble. You must dig away some dirt that will lead to a cave, this is Maku Path. Not far in Maku Path, you should come to a room with a narrow ledge that covers a large pit. Push all of the blocks into the pit to make your way to a switch. Stand on the switch and you'll get a key from a chest. Now go back south and then left and unlock the door that you see. In this room move three of the blocks out of the way to stand on the switch. Now go up and over. Keep going until you come to the Maku Tree, which is threatened by a pair of Pig Warriors. Defeat them to save the tree, for now. Now go back to the spot where you came to the past and return to the present. Now go back to the Maku Tree and she will give you the Lv. 1 Seed Satchel which includes 20 ember seeds. Now go to the graveyard which isn't far from the Maku Tree. Burn your way, using the ember seeds, into an underground chamber. Light the torches you find here to get the gate key for level one. Now go to Spirit's Grave, level one, and enter. PART II: When you enter the dungeon, go right into a new room. Kill all of the enemies to open the to go up. In this room push the rolling block into the hole which will light up the four fires and open the door to go up. But before you go up, climb the stairs and open the chest to get the dungeon map, and then head up to get the compass in the next room. Now burn the door on the east wall to enter the next room. Here you will receive a mystical ring that you can get appraised later. Now go back to the room where you pushed the block into the hole and go right. Now go up and you will face a ghost. Hit him with your sword a few times to kill him and you'll get a key. Now go left and push the block left and go up. In this room push the first block you see to make a chest that contains a key appear. Now go up again. Push to blocks so that there will be a passage on the northeast and northwest corner. Then hit both of the switches and go across the platform that appears to get to a chest with a key in it. Now go down and left and hit the switch to get a Gasha Seed. From here go left again and then down. Here is the mini-boss. It is a large ghost. Kill all of the little spirits and then kill the big ghost with your sword. Now go left and go across and jump off of the platform thing that your on. Go down the stairs you see here and get the Lv. 1 Power Bracelet. Now go all the way back to the dungeon entrance. From here go over and lift some pots to get the boss key. Work your way back to the room where you got the Gasha Seed. From here go left and up. Now go right. Here is the boss, Giant Ghini. Hit its head a few times and the pumpkin will fall off of its head. Throw it at the ghost and repeat this until it dies. Now go up to get your treasure. ***MORE TO COME***